Why humans are so weak?
Why humans are created to be so complicated, especially their mind?
I hate when your for example arguing with someone and you couldn't figure out anything good to say. And after the fight when you sit back and repeat all and think "I should say this thing and that."
After all I don't end up fights like with my friends or like that.
I just hope that I could say all the things what I've been thinking now to him whiteout starting to cry.
I guess it has left so deeb scars that it hurts when you talk about it , and it can't never repair again.
I've been feeling so frustrated, anguished , unaccomplished and numb.
Feeling that everything what I've done will disappear right after.
So frustrated that a little wrong voice at the wrong time drives me around the bend!
Emotional, even writing this takes all the power what I have enymore.
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